In-text citations can be broken down: summarising & paraphrasing and "quotations"
Directly "quoting" someones exact work and explaining someone elses idea, theory, concept, statistics IN YOUR OWN WORDS is considered summarising or paraphrasing.
Direct quotations can either be small or large quotes. The small quotes tend to be 40 words or less and the larger 40 words or more. Longer quotes have to be indented in the essay so that the viewer knows that this isn't your work.
Examples of how they would be laid out in the reference list at the end of the essay:
Book: Kadolph S., J. (2010). Textiles (11th ed). London: Pearson.
Website : Sustaiable materials. (2015). Textiles. Retrived from
Journal : Turney, J. (2014) A sweater to die for: Fair isle and fair play in the killing. Textile: THe Journey of Cloth and Culture, 12(1) 18-33