Appropriation - MOMA definition...
The intentional borrowing, copying, and alteration of pre-existing images and objects. It is a strategy that has been used by artists for millennia, but took on new significance in mid - 20th-century America and Britain with the rise of consumerism and the proliferation of popular images through mass media outlets from magazines to televisions.
Andy Warhol, Orange Disaster, 1963
- Electric chair with final execution
- The image shows a metaphor for death with repetitive designs
- Reducing it to meaningless
- When we view an image over and over again it loses it effect
Repeating something over and over tells the audience that it is less effective it loses its meaning.
Marcel Duchamp, LHOOQ, 1919
- Readymade - a commonplace prefabricated object isolated from its functional context and elevated to the status of art by the mere act of an artists selection
- Assisted Readymade - where slight interventions have been made to such an object
- Appropriation of the Queen
- Appropriation of newspaper, like a ransom note - making her vulnerable
Commenting on the status of the readymade, she makes new versions of the art and gives them new meaning. Used making bronze, its valuable and has been transformed to unique object. It is the opposite of Marcel Duchamp's original piece, in a way she is showing the way we appropriate past forms we use them to carry on interesting discussions, dialogues before them.
'I try to make art which celebrate doubt and uncertainty...'
A critique or attack, driven by a desire to make a social commentary or to challenge the status quo but which employs humour as its weapon to do this. It asks the viewers to think about the artwork
1670s a drawing on strong paper from French carton, and from Italian cartoon 'strong heavy paper, pasteboard,' thus 'preliminary
Punch Magazine, John Leech, Cheap Clothing, 1845
Represents inequality between men and women
John Holcroft, c.2007
Makes stylised illustrations...
Jeff Rankin after Shepherd Fairey, and re-appropriated version, 2008-17
Idea of a dialogue, a conversation between the designers and audiences that they are presenting them too. It enhances the impact of the other for each different one.
or visual punning, is a form of visual satire the practice of copying
'Rango' (film) consistently aimless
is a form of 'homage' Like a parody it copies or mimics...
Daniel Eatock, Everything Heinz, 2009
The Guerrilla Girls, 1989
Promoting an idea, delivering a subversive message
Sexual and racial discrimination
Protect their identities in public by wearing gorilla masks
1985 poster campaign that targeted museum and artists that excluded women from exhibitions
They took on board using the image to make a social commentary
Appropriation, nude figure being used
Culture Jamming, Shepherd Fairey 1989
Hijacking of media was common, became a popular activity among Graphic Designers and Artists
Adbusters campaigns
Canadian based non profit company, found in 1989. Anti-advertising