Thursday, 1 December 2016

Physical Typography

Physical Type

Physical Studio

Today's session was about still life drawing and using the objects on each table to draw from. The first table being Physical Type, I chose to focus on the 'R' in the left hand corner to practice my drawing skills from this angle and seeing if I was able to get the right proportion, angle and shading right.

Typography focus with oil paste
Table two was Objects and I took the oppurtinmity to continue to look at typography instead of looking at the object compleyely I took out smaller details. I chose to use oil pastels for the rest of the drawings as I really enjoy working with them and love the marks they produce. I always like to get colour into my work and feel it works best when using oil pastels.

The third table was 'Life's A Box' which were a stack of boxes featuring the IKEA logo (which I took to drawing with the oil pastels again). I found that drawing the boxes was quite hard, getting the right angles and shape of the box was difficult to produce.